所在栏目:FACULTY作者: 发布者:银河集团9873.cσm发布时间:2024-07-17浏览次数:15


Ke Zhang

Ph. D. in Philosophy, Professor of Philosophy,

Department of Philosophy, GuizhouUniversity.

Research Interests:

Martin Heidegger's Thoughts, German Idealism, Early Modern Philosophy


1996.9-2000.6    Wuhan University, China   B. A. in Philosophy

2000.9-2003.6     Wuhan University, China   M. A. in Philosophy

2006.9-2009.6     Nanjing University, China  Ph. D. in Philosophy (Classical German Philosophy)


Professor, Guizhou University, 2014-present

Associate Professor, Guizhou University, 2009-2014

Lecturer, Guizhou University, 2006-2009

Assistant, Guizhou University, 2003-2006


Chinese, German, English, Latin



Ke Zhang: Thinking of Way: the Research of Heidegger’s Thought of Ontological Difference, Nanjing: Jiangsu Renmin Press, 2012.

Book translated from German into Chinese

Martin Heidegger. Frühe Schriften, GA 1, translated by Ke Zhang and Xiaohu Ma. Beijing: The Commercial Press, 2015.


Articles (selected)

1. Ke Zhang. (2008): Truth and Validity: on the Influence of H. Lotze’ s Logical Thoughts upon M. Heidegger’s Thoughts. Jiangsu Journal of Social Sciences, 2, 24-29.

2.  Ke Zhang, Rong Zhang. (2008): Identity and Difference: Heidegger on Plato’s Dialectic. Guizhou Journal of Social Sciences, 3, 32-37.

3. Ke Zhang, Rong Zhang. (2009): Identity and Difference: On Eriugena’s Heritage and Transformation of the Greek Thoughts. Fudan Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3, 71-79.

4. Ke Zhang. (2011): Transcendence and Freedom: on the Principle of Reason in Heidegger’s Thoughts, Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities, 9, 87-91.

5. Ke Zhang. (2013): Truth and Jump: on the Question of Principle of Reason in later Heidegger’s Thoughts. Journal of Jiangsu Administration Institute, 5, 28-33.

6. Ke Zhang. (2014): The Principle of Reason and Heidegger's Interpretation of Kant. The Phenomenological and Philosophical Research in China, 2014 (14), 175-197.

7.      Ke Zhang. (2015): On Heidegger’s Thought of “Geschick”. Journal of YunnanUniversity, 5, 32-41.

8. Ke Zhang. (2015): The Figure and Meaning of Max Scheler’s Thoughts in the Horizon of Martin Heidegger. Journal of SunYat-SenUniversity, 4, 90-99.

9. Ke Zhang. (2015): From the First Philosophy to the Moral Theory: on the twofold Problem in Descartes’ Thoughts. Journal of GuizhouUniversity, 6, 10-17.

Academic visits:

FSU Jena, Visiting Scholar, Co-workers: Prof. Dr. Andreas Schmidt, 2016-2017.